The World Of Francesca Woodman

The first time I saw the work of Francesca Woodman was at San Francisco’s Museum of Modern Art. Her complete catalog is composed almost entirely of work she produced as a student, “The work of a master of photography”.

From the first moment I love her work. She is someone who makes me think that talent and magic is around us. She was a prolific artist in just short time in her life. She died at 22 years old.

Her artwork is composed approximately of 800 images, most of them are self-portraits. Woodman’s photographs are almost all black-and-white, taken between 1972 and 1981.

Some of these images have a polished smoothness of Surrealist photographs. She uses many Surrealist motifs, among them mirrors, gloves, birds, and bowls. Her hidden figures, show corpses, or ghosts, as if the wall between our world and the spirit realm had begun to fall.


5 thoughts on “The World Of Francesca Woodman

    • Thanks Ana. Francesca Woodman es increible, mucho talento pero como los grandes genios tambien tiene una parte muy oscura, lee algo mas de ella, te encantara!!. Es una pena que no hayas visto su exhibicion en el Moma, una de la mejores que he visto. Un besito


      • Voy a mirar algo de ella. Oye, esto me recuerda que Matt y yo hemos decidido renovar nuestra subscripción a los museos (ójala entrara el MOMA en el cupo), y este año sí que quiero amortizarlo. Nos tenemos que ver todas!


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